Is PUBG Haram To Play - Here are the answers.

Is PUBG Haram To Play - Here are the answers.

There is a very popular video game known as PUBG that is spreading all over the world and it has nowadays become an addiction to all people that everyone plays it continuously every day. People were eager to know that is there Fatwa on PUBG which makes it Haram.

Recently the A new updated version of this video game came out in which a person has to glorify idols in the game to gain weapons and power. Is it Haram or Shirk to play this kind of game or is it okay if any Muslim played this kind of game in which we have to glorify idols?

 Dr. Zakir Naik says as far as video games are concerned there is a revolution in the past few years and past few decades he remembers when he was a teenager maybe about 35 years back there were video game palaces where we had to pay some money and we could for a few minutes maybe drive a car so those  sort of video games which were there 35 years back not that I was a fan of video games but I did play a few times in my life so those are games which are for entertainment and I feel there is no problem at all.

 But in the passage of time today we find that there is a revolution and there's a lot of changes that have come and when you read articles about the games unfortunately most of these online/offline games they are Haram the reason is that many of these are mixed with elements that are prohibited in Islam.

 Dr. Naik gave a few examples that there are games online which promote their lot of killing and the more number of people you kill the more marks you get and you become a winner. Some of the killings are unnecessary it's murder and murder in Islam, killing any innocent human being is the second biggest sin in Islam.

 There are some video games which glorify witchcraft which is the third major sin in Islam, there are some video games which are attacking Islam and the video game says that if you bomb Makkah then you get thousand points if you bomb Medina then you get 500 points and there are some games which show that there is a non-Muslim country fighting with the Muslim country and the Muslim country is normally the weaker country and if you defeat the Muslim country you win the game so these sorts of games which are baiting Islam and criticizing Islam and against the principles of Islam all these are haram.


There are many video games in which there is nudity today. You have most of the car racing games and in between you'll find ladies coming which are not properly dressed they come in a bikini they come in scantily dressed clothes bodies most in all this is Haram. There is nudity there's obscenity even in sports you find obscenity invariably it is not there just to make the game more popular you have games in which there is gambling you have games in which there is a drinking of alcohol so all these things are Haram even though you may not be drinking yourself physically but virtually if it's involving in Haram activity that game is Haram.

It takes the children away from Islam and unfortunately there are many Muslim parents who willingly buy such games for their children. These parents are actually taking their children away from Islam and are ruining their life if anyone would be responsible it would-be parents not the children, and today if they want to get rid of the child or they want to keep the child quiet they give them a mobile phone.

If you analyze today's video games majority they are involved most of them have what music, which is haram in Islam. They have got such sound effects so most of these games if you analyze and if you scrutinize majority may be more than 80% or 90% or maybe a larger number I've done a survey and most of the reports say they will lead to Haram activities directly or indirectly so such a game surely should be prohibited and should try and keep your children away from them “he added.”

Then Dr. Zakir Naik answered the question posed by a Kashmiri boy about whether playing PUBG is Halal or Haram in Islam According to Sharia. He gave the answer and said “full form of PUBG is players unknown battleground many people who play the game may not be knowing the full form anyway I don't play this the game I just did because of the news that for the last couple of weeks a lot of news has been coming regarding this game so I just went and checked up the background.”

This game is one of the most popular games in the world today. It was launched in March 2017 more than three years back, the trial version and the full version were launched in December 2017 about two and a half years back and by the end of 2019, it had the maximum sale. Till now it has sold more than 60 million games and only on the mobile there are 600 million downloads.

 600 million downloads that mean somewhere close to 8% of the world had downloaded it, and among the children, it would be somewhere close to more than one-third of the children or close to it have downloaded this game.

This game mainly involves killing, the more you kill the more points you get and you have to save yourself and if you are the last person alive you are the winner this the game can be played solo by 1 person can be played up to 100 people. You can play alone or you can play with your friends online or you can even play in groups of two, three, or four then if your group survive till last your group is the winner.

 It's an addiction and many of these video games including the PUBG takes a person away from Islam. There are Haram activities - besides that, if it is the time for Salah when the prayer calls for azan and the child continues to play and he misses the Salah and there may be chances that he doesn't miss the will pray at the last moment when the Salah is just going to get Kaza just before the time for the next Salah, he prays the previous Salah so all these things take the person away from Allah.

 This addiction is not only causing the problem to Muslim children even a non-Muslim child so much so, there are a program that has been created for the di-addiction of PUBG.

  But the question mainly is talking about the latest version of PUBG which was launched on the 28th of April 2020 about one and a half month ago, and in this new version a person has to glorify idols or literally do idol worship in order to get weapons or get equipment which will help them to kill other people so this is going to the highest level shirk. Murder is the second major sin in Islam, shirk is the major sin in Islam so of course, it's totally Haram. Besides the other aspect of murder music, nudity, etc. are promoted. Idol worship is the major sin it is promoting idol worship so surely we should see to it that the parents are very strict they should keep watch on their children from these sort of videogame.


 There may be some games which may be Halal entertainment per se if it doesn't break the Sharia it is permitted, there may be some video games that may not be having the element. So there may be some Sharia-compliant video games out in the market but the best is to avoid the general game unless you are sure that it is Sharia compliant and it doesn't break any of the principles of Islam.

 I request Muslim parents not to give them this a game so that you know they can do their work without being disturbed you're ruining the life of children as well as your life because one of the ways for you to go to Jannah is a pious child praying for you. So this game PUBG surely is haram.

 Previously there were many fatawa that it is haram now after the new version where there is glorifying the idols including idol worship it's totally Haram and I request the Muslim parents and the Muslim children stay away from it and don't play this game, “Zakir Naik added.”

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) Which games are haram in Islam?

Ans: All those games which go against Principles of Islam and Sharia.

2) Is playing video games haram in Islam?

Ans: There is nothing wrong to play video games as far as they don't go against the principles of Islam.

3) Why do some people dislike Islam?

Ans: Because media has misinterpreted Islam Sharia that makes some people dislike it, otherwise if you read about Islam you won't find anything wrong as media was showing you. You will find it a good and peaceful religion.

4) Is playing pubg haram in Islam?

Ans: If you wrote the above article, you will get the answer.

5) Is it haram to win money in competitions?

Ans: If you are gambling or if your money is on the line, then surely it is.

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